What is a Private Club?

One of the topics we discuss in both our on-site and online TABC certification class is that of “private clubs.” When I use that term I’m not only referring to establishments with a DJ and loud music. I’m also referring to any establishment that is required by law to operate as a “private club.”
Some areas in Texas that are “dry” require any bar or restaurant that sells alcohol to operate as a private club, meaning customers who wish to purchase alcohol at that establishment must join the club. This means the server or bartender has to scan the customer’s driver’s license or identification card and effectively make them a member before they can purchase alcohol. This can be very burdensome and costly for small businesses in small towns, especially when residents can easily drive to neighboring towns and purchase alcohol without all the restrictions.
When you enroll in our online TABC certification course, you will learn that in a private club, alcoholic beverages may be served only to and consumed only by a member, a member’s family or a guest who is brought to the club by the member.
TABC On The Fly is an official provider of on-site and online TABC certification approved by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
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