Things to Know About Getting a Liquor and Beer License in Texas

NOTE: TABC On The Fly handles the TABC certification of individuals who sell or serve alcohol in the state of Texas, not the licensing or permitting of businesses. This blog post is merely intended to provide some, not all, basic information regarding licensing and permitting.
While licensing and permitting is not our area of expertise (TABC certification is), we get asked about it every now and then. Getting a liquor and beer license in Texas involves a somewhat lengthy process with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC).
Texas businesses that want to sell liquor or beer must have a license or permit, and they must complete the entire process before their employees can sell alcohol. One of the complex facets of getting a liquor license in Texas is that there are quite a few different permits for liquor and several different licenses for beer.
A handful of the beer licenses that an establishment might need if they sell, make, or import beer in Texas include a General Distributors License (BB), a Manufacturer’s License (BA), a Retail Dealer’s On-Premise License (BE), or a Retail Dealer’s Off-Premise License. There are even Temporary Licenses (BH) and licenses for nonresident manufacturers. These licenses are import to ensure that your bar or restaurant can stay open in Texas.
Some of the many liquor permits that the state offers include Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permits, Winery Festival Permits, Public Storage Permits, and Passenger Bus Permits. There are also Package Store Permits (for wine only), Mixed Beverage Restaurant Permits, and Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permits.
Steps in Obtaining a New TABC License or Permit
According to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC), the first step in obtaining a license or permit is figuring out which one the establishment needs. If you take a TABC online certification course, you may work for a business that operates in one of three tiers.
After choosing an alcohol industry tier, the business must register their organization with the Comptroller of Public Accounts and the Texas Secretary of State. Business owners with questions about the registration process can ask the federal government’s Small Business Administration (SBA) for assistance.
Complete All Necessary Packets
The next step is finding a local TABC office where signage may be obtained, and the prequalification packet is available. In addition to the prequalification packet, applicants must also complete the location packet and the business packet. It’s vital that businesses that want to sell, distribute, import, or manufacture alcohol complete these packets in their entirety.
Ensure That All Certifications and Documents Are Completed Throughout Your Jurisdiction
Further, the business must publish a notice, create a publisher’s affidavit, and deal with all additional city, county, or state certifications. The process may take up to a month and a half as of the date the state receives the business’s completed application.
TABC Certification for Seller-Servers
Getting TABC certified in Texas as a seller-server is a different and less extensive process. The first step to getting TABC certified is making sure the course you take is approved by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. From there, all you have to do is successfully complete the course and pass the final exam. If you take the course through TABC On The Fly, the entire course and final exam are completed online and your official TABC certificate will be emailed to you immediately upon completion.
Liquor licenses in Texas must be renewed every two years, which is similar to TABC certification that is also valid for two years.
TABC On The Fly Helps Employees of All Levels Sell and Serve Alcohol Safely
If you are ready to enter the alcohol service industry, it’s essential that you have the information and knowledge you need to make informed decisions and follow the law. TABC On The Fly is an online TABC certification course that helps industry employees and management stay on track with evolving alcohol safety regulations.
TABC On The Fly provides the fastest, most affordable, user-friendly TABC certification course you’ll find. Our course is completely self-paced, so you can proceed through the course material as quickly or slowly as you want. Register today and get TABC certified fast for just $10.99!
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