Why Do You Blackout From Alcohol?
We’ve all heard the story about the friend who got blackout drunk and woke up with no memory at all about the night before. While cinema likes to glorify the blackout as a great time, the truth is, a blackout puts the drinker and their TABC Certified server in a dangerous position.
When a blackout occurs, a drinker has trouble forming long-term memories but is still active. This is where the danger of blackouts enters the picture.
This ability to continue drinking and making decisions while drunk could put the drinker’s and other’s lives at risk. As a purveyor of alcohol, it’s important to know the three main causes of a blackout and what signs to look out for before taking further action. Follow our server safety tips and keep your patrons safer during their next big night out!
The Person is Drinking On an Empty Stomach
Letting your customers drink on an empty stomach is a recipe for a potential blackout situation. Drinking alcohol without eating creates an even greater risk of a blackout or alcohol poisoning.
Make sure that your establishment always has something available for guests to munch on or has a small menu of starchy treats that will keep stomachs full and (hopefully) safely increase a person’s alcohol level.
Your Guest Has Consumed Alcohol Too Fast
Even with food in the system, drinking alcohol at a rapid pace won’t allow the liver to catch up with the drinks pouring in. Blood Alcohol Concentration for a blackout usually occurs at the level of 0.14.
This level can vary from person to person, so it’s always best to have an idea of how many drinks could impact a person’s drinking experience.
They May Just Be Intolerant
Sometimes people may just be alcohol intolerant and may not realize that their alcohol consumption is leading to a larger problem. This is why it’s so important for servers to recognize the signs that someone has had one too many drinks and is headed into dangerous consumption territory.
Signs of Someone Going Through a Blackout
Fortunately, as a server, there are many signs you can recognize that indicate someone at your establishment is in the middle of a blackout. Once you’ve pointed out the issue, you can order them a ride home, ask their friends to escort them off of your premises, or simply stop serving them alcohol and bring out the water. You may also need to call 911 so they can get some medical attention. The call is yours based on the situation; but remember, your main priority is to keep as many guests safe as possible.
Some of the signs that someone is going through a blackout include the following:
- They have trouble walking and standing
- They are easily distracted
- During a conversation, they keep repeating themselves
- They keep forgetting what they are doing
- They cannot hold a stable conversation
Recognizing these signs of a blackout could mean the difference between letting someone inebriated get behind the wheel and simply getting them a ride home to sleep off their wild night.
As a seller-server of alcohol, always remember that you’re the one responsible for determining whether the sale or service of alcohol is legal, and you want to make sure you make the right call.
Stay Up-To-Date On Alcohol Safety with TABC On The Fly
If you are entering into the service industry or are the owner or manager of an establishment that sells or serves alcohol, you want to ensure that you and your employees are always in the know of the latest TABC regulations. Having the right knowledge on your side with a TABC certification keeps your business out of trouble, and above all, your guests safe.
TABC On The Fly is an online course that makes TABC certification easy and affordable. Register online today to start getting certified at your own pace while starting off your career on the right foot!
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