On-site and online TABC certification topic of private clubs on ballot in Kilgore
The issue of private clubs, a topic that we teach in our on-site and online TABC certification courses, recently came up in Kilgore, TX and will be on the town’s ballot in May.
The Kilgore City Council approved a local liquor option to be added to the May ballot, asking voters to consider allowing TABC certified restaurants to serve mixed beverages without having to operate as a private club.
If you have taken our on-site or online TABC certification course before, you know that operating as a private club is somewhat of a pain. If you’re required to operate as a private club, as do some Kilgore establishments, you have to jump through some additional hoops like scanning driver licenses, managing membership lists and cards, and determining who can be served based on that membership. The ballot measure gives voters the opportunity to eliminate the requirement of mixed-beverage establishments to operate under the designation as a private club.
TABC On The Fly is a state-approved provider of on-site and online TABC certification.
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