TABC Certification 101: TABC doesn’t like it when you sell cocaine in your bar
One of my greatest joys of running a TABC certification online company is reading all the press releases and news articles regarding the truly messed up decisions some bar owners make. Some of them act like unruly children who constantly test boundaries to see what they can get away with.
Case in point – Nero’s Cocktail Lounge in El Paso. After an investigation by multiple state and federal law enforcement agencies, 23 people were arrested in connection with selling large amounts of cocaine in the bar. This, after the bar was served with 27 violations by the TABC in October. The violations included sale, delivery, and possession of narcotics by employees, prostitution, selling alcohol to a minor, failure to report a breach, solicitation of an alcoholic beverage, permitting lewd acts, and criminal conspiracy. Nero’s liquor permit was of course cancelled.
So what does this mean for TABC certification? Nothing really. No amount of TABC certification training can offer you protection from using your bar to cover up your drug and prostitution ring.
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